Safe Sleep

Besides being absolutely adorable, all babies have one thing in common.  They need a safe place to sleep. New parents do everything they can to make sure their precious bundle of joy has a safe home; however, they sometimes forget the most important place — the crib. By following a few simple sleep safety tips, you can create a safe place for your baby to sleep and nap.

The best place for a newborn to sleep is alone on their back in a crib, bassinet, or portable crib/playpen.

The Facts

  • Did you know the #1 cause of preventable infant death is unsafe sleep?
  • Infants are at greater risk from SIDS and suffocation when they do not sleep in a safe place — places such as on adult beds, in swings or bouncy chairs, comforters, couches, etc.

Top Tips

  • Always place your baby alone, on their back, and in a crib for naps and at night. These are the ABC’s of Safe Sleep: A–Alone, B–Back, C–Crib.
  • Place babies on their backs for naps and at night until they are 1 year old.
  • Make sure babies sleep on a firm, flat surface in their own crib, bassinet or play yard.
  • Choose a firm mattress and fitted sheet for baby’s crib.
  • Remove toys, blankets, pillows, bumper pads and other accessories from the crib.
  • Dress baby in a wearable blanket, onesie or similar clothing for every sleep. A loose blanket could cover baby’s airway or make their body temperature too high.
  • Offer your baby a pacifier at sleep time.
  • When awake, baby should have supervised play time on their stomach.
  • Do not smoke or allow smoking around your baby.
  • Share your room, not your bed. Place baby’s crib or bassinet in your bedroom instead of letting baby sleep in the same bed with you.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to assemble your crib. Make sure to complete and submit the product registration card to learn about any recalls or safety updates.